Monday, June 7, 2010

Doctors Doctors

Uggh - I've spend the past week taking my kids to the doctor. First Kara got a rash from the chicken pox vaccine, then Charlotte had a bug bite/poison ivy that got infected and no one could figure out quite what it was. I hate that! We saw 6 different people and no one could tell us definitely what was wrong. Poor girl was itching all over the place! I start worrying it's something serious like Lyme disease, though most of the doctors agreed it was unlikely to be that. She's now on a antibiotic and seems a little better (at least not worse) but I'm still worrying. Sigh - at least she's acting fine!

Needless to say, I didn't get much writing done. I did manage to go out yesterday and buy a blouse to wear to my next school visit. I was wearing a cashmere sweater - cute, but way too hot for summer. Hopefully things will calm down soon.

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